Here is a simple list of all my macros that I currently use in World of Warcraft: Shadowlands.

Generic Macros

Toggle Action Bars

This macro will toggle the following Action Bars: Bottom Right Bar, Right Bar and Right Bar 2.

/run local o,b,r="InterfaceOptionsActionBarsPanel", "Bottom","Right" local a={_G[o..b..r],_G[o..r], _G[o..r.."Two"]} local b=not a[1]:GetChecked() for i=1, #a do a[i]:SetChecked(b)a[i]:GetScript("OnClick")(a[i]) end

Clear Action Bar Macro

This macro will remove any Spells and Macros on your action bars, use with caution.

/run for i = 1,120 do PickupAction(i) ClearCursor() end

Focus Macro

This macro will set your current target as your focus without pressing any modifier. You can mouseover a target and press the alt modifier to set it in focus. Pressing the shift modifier will clear the focus target.

/focus [nomod]
/focus [mod: alt, @mouseover]
/clearfocus [mod: shift]

Pet Attack Macro

Without pressing any key modifier, this macro will command your pet to attack your current target. While pressing the alt modifier, this macro will command your pet to attack your mouseover target.

/petattack [mod:alt, @mouseover][]

Upper Trinket Macro

This macro will let you use your upper slot trinket.

/use 13

Lower Trinket Macro

This macro will let you use your lower slot trinket.

/use 14

Death Knight Macros

Dark Transformation

If your pet is alive this macro will cast Dark Transform. If your pet is currently not alive it will make sure to cast Raise Dead first.

/use [nopet] Raise Dead; Dark Transformation

Sacrificial Pact

If your pet is alive this macro will cast Sacrificial Pact. If your pet is currently not alive it will make sure to cast Raise Dead first.

/use [mod:alt] Raise Dead; Sacrificial Pact

Licheborne Macro

If used once and without pressing any key modifier, this macro will cast Lichborne. On subsequent use this will cast Death Coil on yourself. While pressing the alt modifier this will cast Death Coil on your pet.

/cast [nomod] Lichborne 
/cast [nomod, @player] Death Coil
/cast [mod:alt, @pet] Death Coil

Scourge Strike Macro

This macro will command your pet to use it’s Claw ability on it’s current target everytime you want to use Scourge Strike. This can be use with any rotational ability.

/cast Scourge Strike
/cast [@pettarget] Claw

Asphyxiate Macro

Without pressing any key modifier, this macro will Asphyxiate your current target. While pressing the alt modifier it will Asphyxiate your focus target.

/cast [mod:alt, @focus] Asphyxiate; Asphyxiate

Chains of Ice Macro

Without pressing any key modifier, this macro will Chains of Ice your current target. While pressing the alt modifier it will Chains of Ice your focus target.

/cast [mod:alt, @focus] Chains of Ice; Chains of Ice

Death Grip Macro

Without pressing any key modifier, this macro will Death Grip your current target. While pressing the alt modifier it will Death Grip your focus target.

/cast [mod:alt, @focus] Death Grip; Death Grip

Gnaw Macro

Without pressing any key modifier, this macro will Gnaw your current target. While pressing the alt modifier it will Gnaw your focus target. If your pet is currently not alive it will make sure to cast Raise Dead first.

/cast [nopet] Raise Dead 
/cast [mod:alt, @focus] Gnaw; Gnaw

Raise Ally Macro

You can cast Raise Ally on a mouseover target, and you can also use it on a selected target.

/cast [@mouseover, exists] Raise Ally; Raise Ally

Anti-Magic Zone Macro

This macro will cast Anti-Magic Zone at your cursor location.

/cast [@cursor] Anti-Magic Zone

Damage Cooldowns Macro

No matter what specialization you’re playing it will use your main damage cooldown.

/cast [spec:1] Dancing Rune Weapon
/cast [spec:2] Empower Rune Weapon
/cast [spec:3] Apocalypse
/cast Blood Fury